Approved & Confirmed by the SGM held on 09.11.2019. Approved and Registered by the Registrar of Societies, Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore.
- The Name of the Federation is “Federation of Indian Granite and Stone Industry (FIGSI)” herein after called the Federation.
- The Registered Office of the Federation shall be at Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Its operation shall be applicable to the whole of India. The present office is at “STONA” No. 429/7, 12" Cross, Sadashivanagar, Bangalore - 560 080, Karnataka, India.
- The objects of the Federation shall be all or any combination of the following:
- To Promote Granite, Marble and Natural Stone and Allied Industries at National and International level.
- To promote industries for Natural Stones i.e., Mining, Quarrying, Processing, Machineries, Tools, Equipment, Consumables, C & F Agents, Logistics, Inspection, Marketing and Testing.
- To promote and exchange technological developments in the field of Natural Stone Industries of India, i.e. technological upgradation.
- To promote dynamic, healthy and co-operative approach to Natural Stone Industry / Trade in India and abroad.
- To promote and maintain good relationship with the Natural Stones Industry / Trade in India and Abroad.
- To help maintain standards in quality and recommend prices for various types and qualities Of Granite, Natural Stones and finished products.
- To represent before Central, State, Local Governments, Corporations and other bodies, the problems encountered by Natural Stone Industry/Trade to seek proper remedies and to extend help for suitable enactment of rules.
- To publish literature, House Journal & News Letters concerning the Technology, Commerce, news and updates, related to natural stone industry.
- To enlighten Members with the market conditions, various opportunities and avenues in different countries for Indian Natural Stones. Conduct Market Surveys, Workshops, send Trade Delegations, Exchange Information, Statistics, and Technological Developments for Mutual Benefit between India and other countries with a view to promote Indian Natural Stone Industry.
- To hold National & International Exhibitions, Fairs, Buyer-Seller Meets, Dealers Bourses, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Market Surveys, Promotional Campaigns for development of Indian Natural Stone Industry as a whole, on each and every aspect and open representative offices for smooth working wherever necessary.
- To maintain a Library with important books, publications, International and National Magazines, Gazettes, Official Notifications etc., on Natural Stones, Allied industry and other subjects.
- To create a modern class Research Laboratory and Development Wing equipped with all necessary equipment, machinery, tools and related items to provide service on Technology, Commerce and Industrial requirements for development and advancement of Natural Stone Industries, with the assistance from Central & State Govt. Agencies, National and International Agencies, wherever possible and necessary. To build exhibition centre of international standard, jointly / severally with assistance from central / state govt., national /international agencies, wherever possible and necessary.
- To promote & Organize Training of Workmen/ Supervisors/ Executives/ Entrepreneurs of Natural Stone Industry. To establish R&D Centre, stone testing lab and establish training institute relating to natural stone industry. Cluster Development Programmes: TO assist various associations to implement and develop the cluster programmes and liaise with Govt. agencies and other Federation.
- To formulate various sub-committees to deal with the different disciplines concerning Natural Stone Industry, Commerce and Technology.
- To arbitrate and settle disputes between the Members and foreign Buyers / Sellers, among the members and Other industries people, when referred to by both the Parties by resorting to ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) methods. To advise on the laws prevailing in the foreign country if possible and remedies available and cost of litigation. To liaise with various Chambers of Commerce, Embassies, Consulates, ECGC etc. for speedy redressal. If proved of a fraudulent act, the names of the Members/Foreign Company to be published in the house Journal for abundant caution in future dealings.
- To help maintain a co-operative, broad minded good spirit of business relationships among the members.
- To receive donation, loans, grant or other monetary and non- monetary aid from any Organisation, Association, Chamber, Institution, State & Central Government, Individual, Bank etc., to project and promote Federation goals & objectives.
- To co-ordinate with other Stone Organisations in India and Abroad and work in harmony for growth of the Indian stone industry.
- To depute Members / delegates to National and International Fairs / Conferences / Seminars / Workshops etc. to further the cause of the Federation.
Read the complete Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations of FIGSI.