Note from the Chairman of the Magazine Editorial Board
FIGSIArticle18 May, 2024
Last edited: 18 May, 2024, 8:53 AM

Note from the Chairman of the Magazine Editorial Board

A message from the Chairman of the FIGSI Magazine Editorial Sub Committee Anuj Modi.

Dear members and valued readers,

My earnest greetings to each of you as our Federation’s magazine comes to you in a revamped version from this edition. It is truly an honour for me to serve such a vibrant and dynamic community and be in a position to lead the upgradation of our editorial activites.

Even as the magazine comes to you in a new form with new sections and goes digital, our commitment to you all remains the same: keeping you abreast of the latest developments in the stone industry, increasing awareness around natural stones, shining light on gems of the industry and sparking new ideas for growth.

I rephrase this line from my first message to you all: this magazine shall be the cornerstone in our efforts to foster knowledge, connection, and growth within our community.

This revamped edition has been divided into sections - identified by different colour bands along the page edges: FIGSI-related news and updates (brown), STONA-related updates (blue), Centre for Stone Excellence-related updates (maroon) and other feature and news sections (grey). Features on sustainability carry a green band, where applicable. The contents page follows a similar colour guide. We hope that this makes it easier for readers to identify sections and navigate the magazine.

Last time I’d informed you about the magazine being available online as a pdf version. I’m happy to share that the magazine content is now available in native digital format on the FIGSI website, and all articles, features and advertisements can be viewed with great user experience from the convenience of your mobile, tablet or laptop.

Going further, in this magazine you shall find updates on various activities that FIGSI has undertaken over the last few months: from the letters sent various ministries to interactions with policyholders and participation in international fairs and conferences.

There are dedicated sections with updates on STONA and the Centres for Stone Excellence, with messages from the respective sub-committee chairmans.

That is followed by new features that this magazine brings: showcasing the stone cluster of Kishangarh, shining light on the ‘Gems of the industry’: Mr R Veeramani, and an engaging feature on an architect’s use of natural stones in their projects.

I look forward to your views on this magazine revamp, and once again invite you all to contribute to the magazine in the coming editions. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Warm regards,

Anuj Modi

Chairman, Magazine Sub Committee

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